LE MATRIOSKE – Balleria: bal folk europeo e festa a ballu del Sud Italia (Sicily)

Il quartetto Le Matrioske, presente a Palermo dal 2011, propone un repertorio da ballo che spazia dalle antiche ed effervescenti sale da ballo siciliane ad un bal folk europeo tinto di sonorità mediterranee. Un quartetto di musicisti che compone, esplora e vuole valorizzare il patrimonio immateriale della musica e della danza tradizionale. La musica de Le Matrioske è […]


“Kourelou” è una parola greca che significa “patchwork”; materiale costituito da pezzi di stoffa strappata che altrimenti andrebbero sprecati. La band riflette l’immagine ampia, complessa e colorata della musica greca tradizionale; una sintesi di molteplici stili, ritmi e strumenti che vanno dal bouzouki alle cornamuse della Tracia, al violino dell’Epiro e alla lira cretese.Secondo la […]

Karim Alishahi & Riccardo Gerbino (Iran/Italy)

Karim Alishahi: Iran has been an area of ​​bridges between East and West for thousands of years, inhabited by Indo-European peoples, in which music has at least two thousand five hundred years the status of a great art that has never ceased to develop and refine. The music and poetry, in fact, have been the […]

Mimì Sterrantino & Marco Corrao (Sicily)

Two songwriters from the province of Messina, with a common passion for Blues, Folk and Italian and English-speaking singer-songwriters, have decided to meet on stage and offer together their songs and some re-arranged covers by artists from whom they were inspired over the years, supporting each other musically.No common thread links the show, only the […]

Patuncha (Italy)

Friday August 3, il Pigno h 21.00 Patuncha is the body percussion band founded by Yosonu / Peppe Costa with the students of his study classes of Reggio Calabria and Catania (Gammazita). The complete group is formed by 23 members that alternate themselves in the show performing only on their bodies compositions written by Yosonu […]